Well the campout has come and gone. For those of you who didn't come you should be disappointed. As far as I could tell it was a pretty good weekend minus the rain on Sunday and one other minor mishap that will remain unmentioned. This weekend had it all. Dirt bikes, guns, a snake, fishing, branding, a hot tub, and steak, as you can see. We even had Tucker the bulldog out for the weekend. As for Battalion attendance it was a sad weekend. Thanks to Noah and Nicholas for coming, and Jason as well. Other than that there were no Battalion guys who got to enjoy this weekend. Check out "Battalion Pics" in the links, for more pictures of the weekend. I can't wait to do it again next year.
What a fun weekend, sorry so many guys could not make it out, well next year will be even bigger and better. It was cool to see all the fathers and sons having a good time in the bush, riding, shooting, fishing and eating their dads cooking, some of those little guys sure are tough. After all we put them though I sure hope they are planning next year like I already am.
if there is something like that planned next year im comin cuz it sounded fun
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