We are getting ready for the Father/Son Campout on May 31 June 1 weekend. That is only four days away. A weekend of fishing, hiking, eating to much food, and possibly some paintball, so get you and your gear ready for some bush fun. There are still some info sheets on the info table at the church if anyone needs one. I drove up to Arlington last weekend and it looks like it should be great.
It is
3.6 kilometers from the highway. The turn off to Arlington is
23.9 kilometers past Big White turn off.
Phil and I were talking about trying to get one of the smaller areas all to ourselves so we will see if we can figure that out when we get there on friday. Look for "
3445" signs once you turn off the highway.
So far it sounds like we have a good amount of guys who are coming. This is going to be a good time. Don't miss it! Any of you who want to finish the memory work this is the deadline. You can tell me your verses up until the end of the weekend.
if there is paintball im comin
i probably cant bring my dad
is it okey if i come alone???
dose it cost money???
No it doesn't cost money and yes you better come even if your Dad doesn't.
i cant come...
it sux..
have a great time ppl!!!!!!
Are we going to drive all the way up to the campsite or are we going to drive and then hike in to the campsite???
Are we meeting @ the church or @ the campsite???
Is it Friday - Sunday ???
Can't wait,
You can drive all the way to the campsite. We are meeting at the campsite and it sounds like there will be some people arriving on friday night and others arriving on saturday.
By the way Luke needs a ride so if someone can give him one that would be great. Luke I can if you can leave friday night. Let me know.
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