I just saw the Creation Schedule for this year and wow does it look good. As if you need more incentive to memorize but here is how it looks!
Wednesday Night:
David Crowder
Thursday Night:
Friday Night:
Thousand Foot Krutch
(this should be the best night)
Saturday Night:
Tenth Avenue North
Skillet's show last year was in at another level than all the rest last year and that is probably why they get to close the event this year. I expect that TFK, after missing last year because of Trevor's appendix, will step it up and Toby's show is always awesome. Switchfoot apparently is amazing live, this will be the first time I have seen them. I think all of these bands also have new albums out as well so pick those up and start singing along.
Back on the fringe stage are Classic Crime, B. Reith (one of my faves), also KJ-52 will be on the main stage one afternoon as well as on the fringe stage. This trip is going to be a good one. GET THOSE VERSE DONE!!!!
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