Saturday, December 18, 2010
Memory Verses
So I was just looking at the 3739 blog and I see that Lance beat me to posting the Memory Verse list. Oh well it is still a good idea and here it is. I am updating the list so this is the one from last year. If you want to start memorizing over Christmas holidays you can use it. I will have a paper copy for everyone in January. This is a great time, ask Simon or Matt if you want to know.
By the way 3739/3445 alumni night is December 27th. Any alumni or grade 11 or 12 guys are invited. Let me know if you want to come. We will be staying over night again and coming home the next day. Merry Christmas everyone.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Saturday Afternoon
So you shouls all know by now that our weekend trip had to be cancelled this weekend. Instead we are planning to go out in the bush for the afternoon. We will be doing some shooting and having a bonfire. We will be leaving from Phil's house at 1:00pm on Saturday, and we will be back around dinner time. Please bring $8 so that you can get a bunch of ammo to use. Also bring a couple bucks change, we may have some cool guns to shoot but that will be extra and they usually cost a couple bucks a shot. Your Dad's are all welcome to come out for the afternoon as well if they want to. Hope to see you all on Saturday. Any questions call me or Phil.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Geo Cache
Monday, September 27, 2010
Bible Trivia
I was talking to Mr. Stovel (Laird) on Saturday. He was giving me some interesting information about the letters of Paul which are in the New Testament. Anyway I got to thinking it would be great to add a new Bible Trivia feature to the blog. Here is how it will work. When we decide to do this we will post a question on Monday. If you can come to Battalion on Tuesday with the answer then there will be something waiting for you. So here is the first one.
Which of Paul's letters was written first? What is the order in which Paul's letters are published in the New Testament?
See you tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
First Night
Tonight is the first Battalion of the season. Hope to see you all out there. Phil is bringing the BBQ, so there will be burgers and some regular Battalion fun. Don't miss it
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Geo Cache
Ok, so I promised that I would have the Geo Cache done this weekend so that is what I did on Saturday was wander around in the bushes trying to find a good spot for this. This time I figured that I wouldn't make it as easy on you as I did last time. So below you will find 4 GPS coordinates. If you plot those coordinates you will see that they form a rectangle (roughly). Anyway, somewhere in that rectangle is our Geo Cache. The same box as before so you know what to look for. Same drill as last time, find it and there is a prize of some sort. Have fun!
49° 51.649'N, 119° 23.469'W
49° 51.570'N, 119° 23.142'W
49° 51.467'N, 119° 23.134'W
49° 51.532'N, 119° 23.464'W
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Counting Down
Well as of today the first night of the 2010-2011 Battalion season is only 2 weeks away. I am pumped and in preparation I thought I would share some pictures of some good times. You'll notice that there is no way to pack everything into 3 minutes but I tried. Enjoy.
I posted it on Facebook as well and the quality there is much better, check out Battalion 3445 or my profile if you want to see it.
P.S. Look for new Geo-cache coordinates at the end of the week.
Friday, August 27, 2010
10,000 visits to the Blog!
Well as I post this there are only 4 visitors left before we reach 10,000. If you are reading this scroll to the bottom of the page and check out the little green counter at the very bottom. If you are lucky enough to see it at exactly 10,000 then take a picture of it. There is going to be a prize for seeing it!!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Here are some pictures of last weekend. Huge thanks to Phil's Mom for feeding us all weekend. Also thanks to the guys at OK Tire in Grand Forks for supplying some tubes for us. Anyway the weather was not so great on Saturday afternoon but Sunday was better. I think we will have to try to make this an annual trip.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Tubing Weekend
So we will be meeting at the church on Friday night at 6:30. Saturday morning we are going golfing and then we will hit the river in the afternoon. Sunday morning we are going to go to church in Rock Creek and then head home. The cost is $30. That includes golfing, food, and everything. (Luke you need an extra $14 for golf because you are over 17) We need to have you confirmed by Wednesday so that we can arrange for food. Comment here or on facebook or call Phil, even if you said you are coming already, please confirm it again so we can get a good count.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Creationfest 2010!
The words "awesome and "fun" and all their synonyms would describe this weeks amazing time we had! This year we had Simon come from our Battalion which shows that we're slowly stepping up. We were 12 guys in total with the Battalion 3739 in Grand Forks. This year we had a sweet line-up of bands and concerts including Switchfoot, Toby Mac, Newsboys and Skillet. Obviously there were a ton of other famous bands that attended and pulled off a great show. Almost all types of genre gave a great variety of tastes. Many incredible speakers gave inspiring speeches that were definitely worth listening to. Next year for those who are committed enough to memorize also might consider bringing your Cribbage playing skills... Insides to that next year. All I want to say is that for those who were lazy or didnt feel it was necessary to complete the memory work missed loads of fun and may have missed the best trip of your summer. Hope more of you guys make it next year to represent. Always room for more guys! More pics will be uploaded later.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Well I just received an email informing me that there are only 6 days until Creation Fest 2010!! That means that Simon, Matt and I will be leaving in 5!! YEEEAAAH!!! You guys should all have done the memory work, I can't even tell you how fun this trip is. I can't wait, I am getting the jitters just thinking about it. Pray that we have a safe trip.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Golf / Tubing Weekend
They say a picture is worth a thousand words so I shouldn't need to post any text under these pictures. Mark August 7 & 8 on your calendars. We are going to go down to Rock Creek for the weekend. We will camp out at Phil's Mom and Dad's place and are planning to have a golf tournament one day and some tubing down the river probably the other day. We will have some specific details in a week or two.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Well the campout is now over. I can't wait for next year already. We had around 25 guys staying for the whole weekend which was really awesome. We also had another 10 or 15 who just came for the day on Saturday. The fishing wasn't as good as last year but that didn't stop us from trying. Several trout were still caught. There was also the usual hiking and dirt biking all weekend long. Saturday we cooked steak dinner for 30 which was cool. Thanks to everyone who came for that, your support is much appreciated. If you want to see all the pictures you can see them HERE.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
30k Club Bikeathon
Hey guys, I was talking to Ami from Kelowna Gospel Mission this morning and she was telling me about this bikeathon that they are doing on June 19th. Basically it is 30km along the greenway. She asked if we would be interested. We seemed to have a good time helping out at the Mission a couple weeks ago so I thought some of us might be interested. Anyway, I started a team, called Battalion 3445. If you want to ride join the team by following this link,
If you want to bring friends or family, everyone is welcome. Also people can sponsor you at the website as well. If you are under 18 and want to ride make sure one of your parents comes to the event to sign a waiver. Any other questions call me. See you there.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Well for those of you who missed last night, we had a good time. I wasn't aware that Jerrod was as big a fan as he is, I guess you learn something new everyday. Even though the kitchen was under construction we managed to cook about twice as much poutine as we needed to, and burgers as well. Near the end Luke and Ryan and Phil and I were left and I realized the were chocolate chip cookies still so we had a go at them to. One week left before we break for summer. Man the year went by fast.
Next week we are off to the Gospel Mission to help out there. I am told we will be putting on a nacho night so we will be preparing, serving and hanging out there. We are leaving the church at 6:30, and we should be back about 8:45. Make sure you wear shoes, NO SANDALS, and there are no cell phones allowed in the kitchen there so leave that at home to. See you there!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Lord of the Rings
Well as database (whomever that is) pointed out the blog has been silent for far too long. We have 2 weeks of Battalion left before we end for summer. Next week we are going to watch the final movie in the Lord of the Rings series. The movie is over 3 hours long so we want to try and start it at 5:45. We will be having poutine and probably some burgers and stuff so don't worry about eating dinner before you come. Should be a good time together. If you want to watch the first two movies you can come to my place Saturday for the first one and Sunday for the second one. We will start those just after 6:00pm each night.
An update on the memory work for those who are interested, Matt has 163 points and Simon has 155 points. They both told me they were working on large passages for next week so that will be awesome. Looking forward to Creation this summer with you guys.
James 3:13-18. Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbour bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such wisdom does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wsdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.
Proverbs 3:7-8. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
See you next week.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Manafest - Wednesday April 7
Hey guys, I don't know if you guys listen to Manafest or not but he is going to be in Kelowna next Wednesday. I thought I would throw it out there and see if anyone is interested in going. His new CD comes out this Tuesday and it is great, I have been listening to it non-stop since I got it. Maybe I will try to bring it Tuesday night and play it. Anyway as you can see admission is free so if anyone wants to go it should be good.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Airsoft Update
I found out this afternoon that our guns won't be here in time for next week so we will be at the church for a regular night. Hope to see you all there. I should have details about when we will do it on Tuesday.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Creation Update
Just a couple videos to get you excited for Creation Fest this summer. I can't wait to see these guys, the new album is awesome. Here is where everyone stands on the memory points so far.
Simon - 115
Matt - 111
Noah - 52
Lukas - 45
Austin - 25
You guys still got time. Keep workin' on those verses. Let's hear some recited this week. The last little while Simon has been the only one with any to tell me.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Hockey Night in Battalion
Alright, like I mentioned on Tuesday, next Wednesday we are heading to Grand Forks to play hockey with the guys from 3739. We will leave the church at 3:30 in the afternoon. We should be back around midnight or 12:30 at the latest, we will drop everyone off at home when we get back. There are skates there if you don't have any. Bring a stick if you have one and bring some money for supper. I need to know by Tuesday who is coming. You never know who might be there. There is a event on Facebook that you can respond to if you are on there. See you Tuesday.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Olympic Champion!
Well the Olympics are over. I don't know if we could have had a closer finish. Simon beat Luke in a last minute soccer game, which made it close but wasn't enough to get the win. Luke was able to get the overall win by just one point. Congrats to Luke. I posted all the pictures I took they are HERE if you want to see them. Here are the final scores.
Luke H - 11
Stephen - 10
Matt - 10
Jerrod - 10
Braden - 8
Austin - 8
Simon - 6
Pascal - 6
Luke E - 6
Ryan - 5
On top of being the Olympics last night it was also my first barbecue of 2010. I love barbecue.
We will be continuing over spring break so if you are not on holidays don't forget to come to Battalion on Tuesday. We are also hoping to get to Grand Forks for hockey with the 3739 guys on spring break. I should have more details next week.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Well the Olympics will officially end on Sunday for most of the world but here at Battalion 3445 the Olympic spirit won't end until Tuesday night. We don't have fancy medals like the Olympics, we have a big trophy for the winner. Jerrod has been the winner the last two years so make sure you all show up this week. We had a request for a new event from Pascal so that should be interesting. Don't miss this week it is going to be a great time.
Stay tuned to find out about a trip to Grand Forks for some ice hockey on spring break.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Winter Camping
Camping is over, it was a good time. Too bad we couldn't stay longer. Anyway if you want to see the pictures click HERE.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Creation Schedule
I just saw the Creation Schedule for this year and wow does it look good. As if you need more incentive to memorize but here is how it looks!
Wednesday Night:
David Crowder
Thursday Night:
Friday Night:
Thousand Foot Krutch
(this should be the best night)
Saturday Night:
Tenth Avenue North
Skillet's show last year was in at another level than all the rest last year and that is probably why they get to close the event this year. I expect that TFK, after missing last year because of Trevor's appendix, will step it up and Toby's show is always awesome. Switchfoot apparently is amazing live, this will be the first time I have seen them. I think all of these bands also have new albums out as well so pick those up and start singing along.
Back on the fringe stage are Classic Crime, B. Reith (one of my faves), also KJ-52 will be on the main stage one afternoon as well as on the fringe stage. This trip is going to be a good one. GET THOSE VERSE DONE!!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
What you missed!!!
Well if you haven't been to Battalion for a while then you are not alone. Attendance has been a bit low for the last month so we were surprised to have 12 last night. Last week we had the Tower of Babel, with some new building materials. It was fun but I may have to modify the quantities for next year. If you happened to miss this week you missed the biggest injury we have ever had at Battalion. Simon and Stephen went into the wall hard during Bulldog and Simon came out on the losing end. He had a bloody gash on the back of his head. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of that. Anyway I hope you are feeling OK Simon.
The number of verses that guys are memorizing seems to have dropped as well. You all still have time to finish.
This weekend is winter camping. You guys who are coming, we will see you on Saturday.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Creation 2010
I was checking out the Creation website this morning and noticed that they have added some more artists on there since the last time I looked. Check it out if you haven't looked in a while. I can't wait for this summer this is going to be awesome.
On a related note, get memorizing!!! Just for an update here are the points for the guys who have started. Remember even though you think you have a long time to do it if you keep putting it off it won't happen.
Matt - 111
Simon - 83
Nick - 72
Noah - 52
Lukas E - 45
Austin - 25
Dan - 11
Stephen - 3
If you don't see your name here then get at it. Also I am going to put a challenge out there for you guys. I doubt yu will read this before tonight so we will do it for next week.
Next week, I am going to have a prize for anyone who has more verses ready than I do! I can tell you that I will have some verses so 1 won't cut it. See you all tonight!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Well it is time to start getting ready for snowcamping, some of you got a little cold last year, for different reasons (Jarrod), some had better reasons then others. So this year I was going to try and make some little heaters with you guys that are going to go. If you want to build one of these, bring an empty tuna can and some of your moms old candles. Snowcamping this year is going to be better then ever, I have talking with some of the guys that are coming and they have some good ideas of things they want to do out. Hope to see you all Tuesday night.
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