Well for those that found the Geo Cache, we got the new Thousand Foot Krutch CD and Snickers. Since we're so grateful we like to thank Dan and Phil for it again! For those that haven't found it. FIND IT!
Christian Service Brigade exists to help young men discover life in Christ and be mentored in their Christian walk by godly men. Battalion is specifically for teens in grade 7 to grade 12, and focuses on discipleship and leadership development. Battalion 3445 is the unit which operates at Grace Baptist Church in Kelowna.
A typical night at Battalion consists of three parts; Squad Meetings, Games, and Council Ring. Squad Meetings consist of a bible reading and discussion in a small group.Games are usually high energy games which we play in the gym or outside the church.Council Ring is a time where the whole Battalion meets together and one of our leaders expands and shares about what we discussed in Squad Meetings.
But you man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:11-12
Nice post Matt, actually the box is gone and your chance to find it has expired. Don't worry if you didn't get to it in time we will do it again in the near future.
yeah i made adjustments... haha sorry.. i'll post more updated stuff next time for sure!
i didnt know matt that u posted the stuff up
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