Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Here are some of the pictures from the snow camping adventure that we went on. All had a great time but the fishing was not so good. Next year could be better. We had a big fire that kept us all warm all night and had water dripping on Luke and Matt most of the night. We woke up to a little fresh snow on everything.
Jared gets the nod for trying the hardest in the fishing deptment. Matt gets the pat on the back for suffering the most with wet feet, a flat air matress, being dripped on while he slept, and probably a more.

We found that there was still over four feet of snow in the bush that we had to dig thru to make camp.


Anonymous said...

That was an awesome camping trip, and haha matt had some of the worstl luck.

hello777 said...

hehe nice one anoymous!
thanx phill it was really fun
i enjoyed it
lookin forward for the camping in the summer

bigboy08 said...

matt needs to use his little brain a little more!

i felt sryy for him but well... its his problem

Even Monkeys Fall Off Trees!

Matt dont be madd at jarod its ur responsibility to take care of your self

CalgaryFlamesRock said...

amaizing how much snow there was!

wee should have spent more time on the tunnel

Bush Man said...

next time we will all sleep in our own tunnels.

DirtRider said...

wut if the snow crashes in?

we will suficate... ohwell...

thank goodness ... im so tired of the snow

is the teepee comin together?