Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It has been a while since someone put some thing on here, sorry guys something to work on I guess.

if you did not make it last night you miss out! We played Bulldog all night, Ryan and Stephen were almost unstoppable. After that we talked about David and Goliath, and why David would even step forward to take on the monster. David was not looking at the monster, he was looking at the promises that God had told him, that he was to be the next king, and he was leading the people already even if he was still a boy, if no one else was. David did not see Goliath as a problem because he had God on his side. He rejected Sauls armor and weapons, and used the tools that he understood and was familar with and left the rest in Gods hands. We should do the same, use the gifts and talents that God has given us, face the giants in our life whatever they look like and then leave the rest to God.