Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Well it was an awesome night of battalion tonight. Too bad for all you guys who missed it. We started the night out with the presentation of the Sergeant's jersey which we will pass along to each sergeant in our battalion. Jerrod is now officially our first Sergeant, congrats dude. Then we got started with the first ever Olympics. The action started slow but heated up as the evening went. Despite some hard losses to Matt in arm wrestling Jerrod came up the big winner with 18 points. Congrats, I can't wait to present you with the trophy next week. Philip was second place with 13 points and Ryan was third also with 13 points. Great night guys, enjoy your spring break, hopefully we will see more of you next week.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Olympics 2008

Well, I told you all it would be Olympics this week. The first ever Battalion 3445 Olympics. We got some awesome events planned. Make sure that you guys are there you won't want to miss this one. See you all on Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Here are some of the pictures from the snow camping adventure that we went on. All had a great time but the fishing was not so good. Next year could be better. We had a big fire that kept us all warm all night and had water dripping on Luke and Matt most of the night. We woke up to a little fresh snow on everything.
Jared gets the nod for trying the hardest in the fishing deptment. Matt gets the pat on the back for suffering the most with wet feet, a flat air matress, being dripped on while he slept, and probably a more.

We found that there was still over four feet of snow in the bush that we had to dig thru to make camp.

We have now located a picture of the real Howard Pike.

Monday, March 3, 2008

All these photos are of "Howard Pike", but none of these are THE Howard Pike, CSB Regional Director for BC. If you want to meet THE Howard Pike, make sure your at Battalion on Tuesday, it's going to be a good time. If I were you I would also make sure that I brought my bible!